Monday, December 13, 2010

My testimony

This note will more than more than likely surprise you. The reason I am writing this note is because God has clearly put this on my heart for me to share with you. I am admitting to having selective hearing when God speaks to me... but it's time I listen to him.

My Testimony:

Growing up, I had a pretty healthy upbringing. My parents were solid parents, I had great extended family, and plenty of attention seeing as I was the only child. My parents loved me and I knew it. I was always a strong student, and enjoyed learning. 

I can say that I never felt like a child growing up. If I ever did, it was much later on in my life. As a child, I experienced death at a fairly young age. My grandfather passed away, friends parents died that I was close to, and at 14 one of my best guy friends was killed in a car accident right in front of my eyes. 

I grew up appreciating life, and wanting to make the most of my life. Wanting to make the most of my relationships, telling people how much I care about them, and making sure to enjoy life while I was here. 

In 2002, my parents went through a divorce. In 2003 that process was completed. It was a long process, and threw my world upside-down. My mom had started accusing my father and I of stealing from her, and she was mentally ill. At this time we didn't even know it. Growing up, I had a pretty normal family. We went to church, both families got along ABNORMALLY well. I was an only child, we weren't rich, but we weren't poor. I had enough.  I had a lot of friends. I was confirmed at 14. My high school years, I was a pretty shy and quiet girl. I had a lot of friends and was very outgoing with them. However, if you weren't my friend I probably wasn't going to go out of my way to be yours. While the divorce was going on, my father left the house while it was up for sale. The only home I could ever remember living in. The home I planted my first garden with marigolds around the perimeter. The home that had my very own canopy bed, and matching bedroom set as a little girl. The home I would mow the lawn of and help my dad water the grass any chance I could get. The house I grew up playing with all the boys on my street, and the few girls...which helped mold me into the tom boy I am today. The white 2-story house, sitting on a a 1/2 acre of land, was now going to be the home of some friends in my grade, who's family was about to purchase. I was heartbroken. 
I had always been an excellent student, and a pretty good kid. Good grades, nice friends, active in sports. Liked to read and write and draw. I got in minimal trouble. Perhaps you know the feeling of having your parents divorced or not having a parental figure during a rough patch of time. I was fortunate to have both of my parents growing up who took great care of me, provided my every need, who gave me a good christian education and loved me. I had a close relationship with my mom all my life, and I was daddy's little girl to my father. Granted, my father was always the parent, and my mother the friend... I learned a lot from both of them. As we sold the house, I found myself going to live at my grandparents house for the next year or two. 
I commuted to high school for my senior year, hung out with my friends as much as possible, and for a short time drifted away from the church a bit. I found my comfort in my relationships, my friends, and in going out and having a good time. I didn't listen when my dad told me that I shouldn't be living my life that way, and that I needed to be careful. Like I said, I was a pretty good kid up until this point... and being an only child, I thought I was more than capable of making my own decisions. I hurt my father and grandparents who saw me going out more than normal, being more defiant, and not turning to them to talk when I should have. This is something I have now opened up about, and have experienced some life changing moments with all of them, but it doesn't make me forget the pain and the strain it caused everyone else. I put stress on the family, and ended up with a drunk driving ticket. I was embarrassed, and for quite a long time stopped drinking all together.

While I was finding my calm in my friends and social life, my mother was living back in the Delavan area with her family. I did not know the extent of her illness, which we now know to be Schizophrenia. All I knew was that she had been the sole reason my family had fallen apart in an instant. I was embarrassed, hurt, confused...and more than anything I wanted nothing to do with a relationship. I never wanted to do to someone what my parents were going through. 

In this time I did a lot of soul searching. I spent a lot of my alone and "down time" wondering why things were happening, how they were happening, and most importantly why God, if there was a God, was letting this happen. I started attending Elmbrook church again with my father sometime during this confused time in my life...and shortly after that felt drawn to start attending Impact, a similar group to The Ave which I had attended years prior.

During this time I realized I was the reason that I was down. Me alone. Not my mother, not my father, and not their divorce. It was clear as day, that when I did pray, and break down I received answers. They didn't always align with what I wanted, or how I wanted to handle a situation (but then again they rarely do) I had an eye-opening moment when I realized that I wasn't the only one going through hurt and pain. I took my focus onto both my parents. What they were going through... and it helped... a bit. Still definitely not a solution to my hurt however.

I started to pray a whole lot more. I started to pray for my family. For forgiveness. For guidance. I finally spoke up and I left a relationship that my family all agreed wasn't right for me in 2006. I had been in a relationship that I learned a lot from, but realized was not what was right. I was there for the child of the person I was dating. I found comfort in helping him, but wasn't truly in love with the person.  I got called out of that lifestyle by God. Not my father, not anyone else. God was calling me back to the church. I was proposed to on the day that I was ending the relationship, and needless to say that was  a messy break up. As soon as my faith started to get back on track, it fell apart again when I found myself with another non-believing boyfriend. After another failed relationship, a year and a half later, I felt another strong tug by God. I realized that all too often, my relationships were with people that were struggling in their faith, and I in turn led them to Him... but walked myself further away. Since my life was seemingly broken to myself, I was looking for people to "fix" and once they were fixed, I realized I didn't really want to be with them. I realized I needed to stop this "missionary" type of dating. I then had to re-evaluate my life. My priorities. What was I doing wrong??? What was missing... The main one was a realationship with God.

In 2007, I was blessed with the opportunity to be rebaptised by Jason Webb, pastor of Brooklife Church, and at the time Pastor of Impact. At that moment, I decided I was going to make some real changes. I wasn't sure if I could, I wasn't sure if it was the "right time." But I took a leap of faith. I was ready to get back in check with my walk with Him. No matter how many steps forward or back that I took, there was one thing that was certain...God was always extending his hand to bring me back. I met so many amazing people, that I am still friends with to this day, and that I am very thankful for.

Life was great around this time. I graduated with my Associates in May, had a great job, was living in Pewaukee, doing well for myself, got a dog, and was enjoying being single and happy. Now it was time to address my mother and I's relationship. The thing is I didn't want to. I had so much hurt and anger built up from the past 4 years, that I didn't even realize it. I had been so busy getting myself back on track, that years passed, and I still hadn't made things much better with my mother. Her illness was getting worse, and it was that much harder to communicate with her.

I started volunteering a lot more, something I hadn't done for awhile, and noticed that I was still hadn't made all that much time for my family. Around this time is when I remember having my next "mental breakdown" if you will, or really intense prayer I would like to call it. I found myself starting to go out a lot again with friends, and not taking as much time as I had in the past to volunteer, spend time with family, and be there for those that mattered. I was scared to get too close to someone...and I didn't really realize it at the time. I remember crying and praying to God to help me get back on track. That very next morning my mother called. We set up a time to get together, and I took it as a sign, that now was the time to start making a change with her.

It has been a hard struggle the past few years... I decided to go back to college because I wasn't happy just doing graphic design. I wanted more, and wanted to pursue a marketing and business degree. Ultimately I wanted to teach or work in the study abroad offices of a college. I made the decision to do this The fall of 2008. I ended up selecting a Catholic Women's College located on 43rd street in Milwaukee. I wasn't sure what to expect, and to be perfectly honest... I wasn't overly excited. 

Alverno couldn't have been a more perfect selection for me. I developed so much as a person, a professional, and the friendships I have made during my time there have been life-changing and provided me insight with how to tackle some of these issues. I could write a whole page on this topic, but that is all that really needs to be said. This choice was NOT something I did on my own. God has a huge hand in it.

During my time at Alverno I entered a relationship with what I thought was a solid Christian. I was thrilled. For once I wasn't going to be trying to figure out how to lead someone in their faith. Things were great for awhile. We were in a distance relationship, which actually was a good thing because I was so busy. In other ways it took me longer to realize the things that weren't right. I learned how to be patient... with my mom, with my life, with everything.

During this same time I had a best friend of a few years, whom also was living at a distance in Hawaii due to the Marines. This friend was someone that I ended up confiding in a lot during and before my relationship. It was a friendship that helped shape me into the person I am today, and for that I am very thankful. This friend and I had thought about dating, however it never seemed to be the right time. We both prayed about it a lot, and knew in our hearts if God wanted the relationship it would happen in time. 

Patience wasn't something either of us did very well, and I was continuing to improve my skills in this area. Like I said,  I entered a relationship when I probably wasn't ready to. This at times was seen as the biggest mistake I could have made...and at other moments, could have been one of the best decisions I ever made. I made some poor choices, and let the relationship escalate to points it shouldn't have. During this time, I got closer to my mom than I had been in the last 8 years. I was able to look past her illness. To be selfless. To be happy she was here. Even if it was only part of her. I was able to love her for her. There were pros and cons, but I am thankful for the pros.

I still did not feel that my relationship was right, and continued to struggle with my feelings for this friend living in Hawaii. It caused stress on my relationship during the entire 10 months, and ultimately, I ended up leaving it. There was much discussion between my friend and I about what we we really wanted, and about the fact we couldn't not be friends. I talked a lot with my friends and family about the situation, and ultimately realized that I had and always would be in love with my this person.

In July, my friend came home from the military. I didn't see him until August, due to trying to figure out what to do with my own relationship. We eventually made plans to get together, and in an instant all my answered prayers, flashed before my eyes. I thought about each time I had a conversation with someone about him, I thought about how each time I prayed for guidance or an answer as to what I should do, he was it. 

Not but a few days later we were hanging out every day, and on September 2, 2010 we started dating. I could not be happier, and yes, I am still trying to get closer to God. There are still things I need to work on, but I can say that we're both on a much more clearly outlined path.  The relationship is more than I could have hoped for, and I know I have the support, love and respect I need from him. Any weakness I have he has strength, and I would like to think it is the same for him.

I find myself now graduating from Alverno on December 18th, a changed woman. To make it even sweeter, I am graduating with honors. I'm coming out of Alvenro as someone who has a new focus, new set of priorities, and new outlook on life. This past year or two has been such an amazing blessing... and I have experienced SO much transformation. I don't know what is in store for me, and I am not sure what path I will be led down next. I fell in love with my new church home, Brooklife. I plan to become a member in the next month or so.  I have met the most amazing christian friends who encourage me daily, who love me like Christ loves. However, in the past year, the one thing that I have had a hard time letting go of, is CONTROL.
God made me perfect. God made me in his image. He loves me. God desires broken people. I'm going to make mistakes, and continue to learn from them. When I am weak, he is strong. We are never so vulnerable as we are when we trust, and now... I'm trusting in God. There are a few areas I am still struggling in, and working to do better with, but my heart is in the right place, and transformation is a continuous process. Transformation does not come from within us, it comes from CHRIST. It is NOT by self control, self discipline, self help books, from counseling that I find my strength and my healing. It comes from walking by the Spirit. I now have a new mind and a new heart. I am completely committing my life to Christ.

I truly believe that I have gone through all of these things for a reason. And as ridiculous as it may sound, I am glad that I went through these challenges in my life. It feels so incredible being able to get the skeletons out of my closet and expose myself to you. I don't feel the least bit ashamed to share this with anyone, because God has delivered me from all of this. Through all of my struggles, God has refined me, he has refined my faith, he has refined my relationship with Him.

Who knows... perhaps someone reading this will be encouraged. Perhaps someone reading this can reach out to me for guidance and support. Who knows the reason God pushed me to write this, all I know is that I trust he has a plan for this... and I am SO excited for the plan he has for my life!

God has tried all along to get my full attention, but I wasn't listening, and l wasn't giving him my everything. Thank you Father for sending your son, Jesus, to die on the cross and forgiving me of my sins. Thank you Jesus for delivering me. 

Love you all.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Important Thoughts on Thanksgiving

I want to take the time to reflect on what Thanksgiving means to me this year, and every year. Millions of Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving today, a holiday tradition that dates back hundreds of years. But some say there's an attempt to remove the religious significance from this great American holiday. President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving official in 1863. He proclaimed the last Thursday in November to be "a national day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent father who dwelleth in the heavens."

But for most of us, when we think of that first Thanksgiving, we think about the Pilgrims and the Indians. The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620. Their first winter was devastating. Weak and sick, they began to die. The Pilgrims needed help to survive and they got it from an English-speaking Indian named Squanto.

Although some would say it was just a day of celebration, historical records show it was a time to give thanks to God. They looked at everything as a gift from God, even the sorrowful things they saw as God allowing that to perfect their character. So they were amazing Christians and great examples for us today.

For a lot of people, Thanksgiving has become a day to watch football, eat turkey, and watch the Macy's Day Parade. In the comfort of your home, country club, restaurant. or at a large is different for us all. While these are not bad things, some believe the most important part of Thanksgiving, giving thanks to God for our many blessings is being down-played or left out altogether. We say our prayers, we give him thanks...and then the very next day we are pushing eachother in lines trying to get the next "tickle me elmo" or "150 dollar lap top at best buy" or a few dollars off an Ipad. We complain about the lines, the wait, the parking...yet we do it to ourselves. We think that if our gifts are the most expensive, or measure up to the ones that we are receiving, that we will be bringing joy to those around us. Those same people we weren't sure if we wanted to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas with this year because they hurt us, or they hurt someone we love, or they embarrass us. Yes, we say we're thankful...we say we're blessed...and we are... but then we go back to living life as we have been...with ourselves at the center.

So I go back to the football, the parade, the Shopping Extravaganzas...and I try to figure out a way to put God back at the center, not everything else. I start to write my Christmas cards... the ones that specifically have a message to each of my friends... (you know you look forward to them each year)... I donate some of my time to a soup kitchen, I try to fix the problems my family has... not for me, or my benefit, but because I know it's what God would want me to do. Thanksgiving to me, is to be thankful, not just for what we have and our current situation... but to be thankful for the God-given talents we each possess, and the compassion and forgiveness we have in our hearts...that some of us don't even know we have.

So forgive that mother, uncle, grandmother, father, sister, brother friend. Tell your significant other you're sorry. Make an effort to see those people you haven't made time for. Give something to someone who has less than you. Spend time with someone who doesn't have anyone to spend their day with. The football game will come and go, and I guarantee you'll be able to catch the highlights later. (I am a HUGE football fan)

God was very much a part of that first Thanksgiving. All of our Thanksgivings, and all the days in between.
What's sad is that here in the U.S. the day after Thanksgiving is often more celebrated than Thanksgiving itself.

Sometimes it doesn't take much to rectify a situation that seems completely un-fixable. I would know first hand in dealing with my immediate family's situation with my mother. We all have broken familes. We all have hurt and anger and pain. We all have families. Families that are beautiful no matter how much they are messed up. People that care for us no matter how little or much they tell us. People who can be reached if you only take the time to figure out how to reach them. I have seen more beautiful and miraculous things happen in times of pain, suffering and turmoil than I have in an every day "normal" family situation. So for that I am thankful. I challenge you to remove yourself from the situation, take a step back, and love them. No matter what. Right where they are. Not where you want them to be, not where you're comfortable, or the ideal situation you want for your family. Love them just how they are. Just as God does. Be there. If you don't know how to fix it, at least do that. God can handle the rest.

This Thanksgiving and Christmas will be no different than any other I have had since my mother's illness, and parent's divorce. I will be trying to manage my time between two families. There will be hurt feelings, pain and sadness... from fights, losses, death, broken relationships, etc, and I'm going to surround it with love. Someone needs too. And I pray more people do the same. Because that love will bring out some other things... good memories, direction on how to be happy, how to be thankful, and a demonstration on what our family has to be thankful for. Hoping you can do the same.

So enjoy that football game, watch that parade, and eat some awesome food. But please do it with a happy, loving, and selfless heart.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Love you all


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Starting a new Chapter - Reflection and Thanks

In looking back on my last 2.5 years of school at Alverno, I am able to look at how I have developed, where my skills are, and what areas I need to improve in. Joanne Mack, Assessor for AC 361 external assessment, writes, “Your business writing skills are a real strength for you Christina. You succinctly state your points and support your ideas and conclusions with evidence. An example of this can be found in your extensive SWOT analysis memo that you provided to Harriet. In addition your overall approach to problem solving is collaborative, which in many situations in business is the best approach to utilize. Your approach will facilitate communication and buy in with regard to solutions to the issues.” This statement shows my ability to not only communicate effectively, but the ability and desire to develop ways for employees within a business to improve their communication as well. I have found that in my personal life, and work experience I am always looking for ways to improve communication. I try to use active listening, and not focus on only what my perspective and goals are. Joanne Mack states, “You demonstrate your ability to see the big picture (a very important skill in managers) in emphasizing the connection between organizational culture and organizational performance. Good job!” This strength will serve me well in the business world.
My communication strengths and abilities were also demonstrated in my MKT 361 course with Craig Miller. In this course, we analyzed our negotiation and leadership skills, as well as prepared for and executed a mock sales appointment. In reading my own self-assessment, I noted my ability to use reinforcing and opinion giving skills. I came to the meeting prepared, and with the facts that Rebecca Porter, my assessor, needed to hear for her company. During the sales interview, she stated, “you already sold me!” 5 minutes in. Receiving an S+ on my self-analysis of my negotiation style, Craig Miller writes, “You are a very effective writer. Your writing style is easy to read. Your writing makes logical sense and builds across your life and career. The student’s written plan meets and exceeds Alverno’s level four writing criteria.” I have always put my best efforts in at school in the past; at least I thought I had. However, upon attending Alverno I realized the bar could be set much higher. My teachers pushed me. Really pushed me. Through attending the Alverno on the Weekend program, I was fortunate to be surrounded by working women. I wasn't surrounded with new freshman who were all in relatively the same place. No, I was surrounded with women that there was so much to learn from. There was support to be found, insights to be given, and most important friendships to be made. Receiving excellent feedback at Alverno was important to me, but more importantly developing the skills, relationships and abilities I have is what I most appreciate. My past coursework, assessments, and feedback have led me to see many strengths as well as areas I would like to further develop and bring back a passion for. Jim Henderson writes, “You make excellent use of organizational structure throughout your paper—relevant, focused, succinct.” I intend to continue to write at the high level I write for my courses, as well as taking the time to read high level reading material to increase my vocabulary and improve my writing style. I have noticed that all of my professors have made note of my ability to effectively communicate within a group and to organize a project. Craig Miller writes, “From the semester that I have known you, you make your teammates and those people around you better.” This feedback stuck with me throughout my time at Alverno. My desire to communicate effectively is for that very purpose. My goal is to improve communication, and allow for a company and the people within it to be as successful as possible. With deciding to start my own small businesses, be actively involved in the community, and obtain a job I will love, the skills I have developed are going to continue to serve me well throughout my professional and personal career. I plan to take action to further develop my communication skills by allowing myself extra time set aside for practicing communication skills, meeting with a business coach, and continuing to ask for feedback from all clients whom I interact with. My learning won’t stop upon graduation, and I more than likely will be attending the Graduate program in the future. I will be ending this Chapter of my life come December 18th, and am looking forward to starting a new. However, the friends, lessons, skills learned, and memories will be forever a part of me. I'm fortunate enough and priviledged to have been nominated for and received honors at Alverno at Graduation. This is something we have all been striving for, and the hard work that I have put in has paid off. To each one of you who shared a part in that, and my time while at Alverno, thank you. Really, thank you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Just some lyrics...

But so very applicable to my life the past few months.

Album: My Paper Heart
Artist: Francesca Battistelli

I wanna be the one who knows everything about you
I wanna be the one who’s always on your mind
I wanna be the one to get all of your affection and attention
You’re the one that I’ve been waiting for, for all this time

And I can’t imagine anything, anything better than

Someday falling in love with you
Holding your hand
Making our plans all come true
Someday under a sky so blue
I’ll give you my heart
Our story will start
Someday soon

I wanna be the one who does everything with you
Watching stars, washing cars, taking walks, going to the store
I wanna be the one who gets to change her last name someday
To something that sounds something more like yours


Yeah I’ll be telling you I love you
On a picture perfect day
And those words inside my head
They sound like angels singing praise
It’s what I was made to say


Monday, June 28, 2010

Duck-Billed Platypus...

I found myself in discussion a few days ago with an athiest. Someone that the very thought of a God creating all things in the way He did, was completely absurd. Although their beliefs are much different from my own... (by billions of years... and many different aspects) I was encouraged to look back at how I really came to have the view I do have. I am the product of the public school system where I was fed a steady diet of evolution. Not the term, but the facts. I was simultaneously raised in the church and learned that according to Genesis, God created all things. When I was young, I didn't really make the connection that the two refuted eachother. As time went on, I struggled on what I really believed. What made sense to me. I tried to look at both sides. Since no mention of creation was made in school and no explicit teaching in my church either established biblical creationism or refuted evolution, I was forced to somehow reconcile these contrary positions on my own. For most of my life that amounted to a kind of battle where, on the one hand, I was inclined to believe the Bible, but on the other hand, I saw that evolution had the backing of science. Scientists were supposed to be smart, right? How could that many people be wrong? Then again, I looked at Creation the same way... What I did know, is that that these two views were not, in fact, compatible.

In order to fully accept evolution, I would effectively be concluding that the God of the Bible was a myth. Evolution was unable to provide satisfactory answers to a number of my questions. For one thing, evolution did not have a good enough answer to how matter came into existence. The Big Bang, the idea that everything in the universe was the size of a dot on this page and then exploded to "create" everything in the known universe, always struck me as utterly ridiculous. The same reaction that this person I had the discussion with had about God. Unrealistic. It seemed far more plausible to me that God was involved in the creation of matter. I looked at nature... and I saw a creator. I remember thinking to myself... for every piece of artwork, there is a maker...and look at this beautiful place in which we live, and the uniqueness of every person here... how can you tell me that there isn't a creator of these masterpieces. But I must be honest, I equally could not reject science, for I felt that doing so would be throwing away what I thought to be established fact. It seemed growing up, I had the desire to follow God, to fully believe, but this theory of evolution as a young teen had the upper hand and I lived life accordingly as most of us have seemed to.

Later on, at the age of twenty-two, that all changed. I was loaned a book called for than a carpenter, among many others in the past.  In the book, an intelligent man, who was formerly an evolutionist, compiled evidence commonly used to support evolution and placed it in the context of creation and the flood. He went out searching to prove Christianity wrong. However somewhere in the process, he did the opposite. He proved himself wrong. Basically, what he established is that the square peg (the evidence) fits this square hole being creation and the flood far better than it does this round hole of evolution. I did not have to read very far before I found myself agreeing with him. One discussion I remember having and contemplating was about the duck-billed platypus. Crazy, I know.  I knew however from this discussion  it could not have merely evolved. It is a creature that incorporates features found in mammals, birds, fish, and even reptiles. From which of these could it have evolved? And if from one, how could it have obtained traits from all the others? For me, Evolution could not ever provide an answer for the platypus.

The realization concerning the physical world and its origins had a sudden and profound spiritual impact on my life. Having the door now opened to understand things in creation meant that the door was also now open to the Bible as a whole, and to Jesus! I then became a born-again believer directly as a result of settling the creation-evolution debate in my mind combined with needing to turn to God in troubling times in my teenage years and early twenties. My morals and character had an immediate upgrade, and I have had a passion to study and live God's word ever since. Thanks can be given to many people I have talked to, people who have served as a good example, authors of books I chose to read, and keep reading, and mostly to God and to that strange little patchwork creature they call the platypus, a clear "creation" if ever I saw one.

I am convinced that many others are in the same predicament that I was in: rejecting God because of the belief that evolution was "scientific" and therefore true. Just as in my case, many people will not listen to anything said about God, Jesus, the Bible, etc., while in this state of mind. If Christians can get them to see the implausibility of evolution then they may be able to share the Gospel effectively with these people. I hope to stress the importance of confronting this issue and to equip others with the knowledge I now have. There's much more to learn, but I'm working at it. Evolution needs to be confronted, because it is preventing so many people from finding salvation.

"Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead;" (Romans 1:19-20)

Just thoughts going around in my mind

God Bless,


Saturday, June 26, 2010


The Lord Jesus Himself is our example. He was thoughtful, gentle, self-sacrificing and patient. True spiritual love is above all faithful to God and uncompromising towards all that is evil. Christian love is giving to others those things that you would want them to give you if you were in their situation and it's doing so even if they can't pay you back. In fact, it's doing so especially if they can't pay you back. Christian love is respect for others. It's mercy. It's charity.

When the King James translators came upon the Greek word agape (God's Love) in addition to using the English word "love" they often chose the English word "charity." Love should be a selfless, giving love. God's Love is unselfish and unconditional. Let's strive for this.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Trust means to rely on the integrity of someone who is being true to you (you can't have one without the other, at least not for very long), "true" meaning both honest (speaking the truth) and faithful , hence the origin of another English word which is based upon trust and truth, truce. Trust, truth and truce are all are based upon The Ninth Commandment.

Trust in God vs. Trust In Man
Holy BibleFrom a religious perspective, trusting in man means to rely upon humans as though they were the ultimate power. Trusting in God means to "trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men"

So often we put to much reliance on others for the good and bad things to happen in our life. We place blame, guilt, and shame on people when it shouldn't be the case. God is in control. God is the one you need to trust, and put your faith in. Treat those as you would want to be treated, as the Golden rule says... but don't expect it. Expect this only of yourself. Realize that we need to be trustworthy, and still love when people let us down. We are in partnership together.

"Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him." (Proverbs 30:5)

"In God I will praise His word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me." (Psalm 56:4)

Friday, May 21, 2010

If you can't feed 100 people, then feed just one.

Words from Mother Theresa. Such great words.

Kindness is one of the most magnificent endeavors of being human. It is practical in a day-to-day sense as well as exhilarating in its consequences. Because kindness comes from the heart, learning and practicing kindness whether we’re a child, a teen or adult, has a powerful quality to alter our relationships and bring us closer together and to God.

Listening to a friend’s story, putting out own views aside, smiling, doing a favor for someone spontaneously, or offering a word of encouragement are simple, beautiful acts of kindness. We need only accept the invitation from our own hearts to express this magnificent gift.

Every great endeavor consists of little steps first.  We are greeted daily with perfect opportunities to take little steps on the path of our magnificent endeavor with kindness. Let's take advantage of them.

Although I haven't had time to do much with Acts of Kindness... I have plans for it. It's been running through my mind. I can NOT wait to be done with school! :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

On my mind today...

A close friend of mine has some major life changing decisions going on in her life right now. We all do. She's torn. Hurting. Confused. Rightfully so.  No one really knows the "best" decision... bringing a baby or not bringing a baby into this world... but the thought is on my mind.  Her dilemma has got me thinking about people as a whole. I want to write. For her. For everyone. Not sure where this is going to go, but I feel compelled to write. Maybe it will help her, you, me.

Romans 14:23 says, "...for whatsoever is not of faith is sin." Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.

It's hard to think about having a family when a relationship itself is struggling. It's hard to think about much of anything when you're relationship is struggling. In this case however, a baby is ready to be born, no matter what the outcome of this relationship. To have an abortion is to take matters into your own hands, when there seems to be no other option or alternative. When you feel backed into a corner. Helpless. I challenge you to trust God to work things out. Let him heal the brokeness, let him take control.

Many think, "I can't afford to have a child. I'm not ready for this." We need to start trusting God and claiming His promises. We need to stop trying to run our own lives for a change and start trusting God.

Jesus Christ came into this world to lay down His sinless life for US--to pay for our sins, because we couldn't. Jesus is your only hope for salvation. Only by receiving Him as your Savior can you enter the gates of Heaven. There is no other way.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6)

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

The Lord Jesus Christ has come and PAID for your sins by shedding His own Blood on Calvary. By receiving Him as your Savior, you can be WASHED from all your sins in His precious Blood (Rev. 1:5; Col. 1:14; Acts 20:28; I Pet. 1:18-19). Notice these important words from Romans 5:8-9:

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him."

Jesus paid our way to Heaven for us! By receiving Him as your Savior, we will be receiving God's only means of Salvation for you. "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:9 says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Are we willing to forsake our own righteousness, and trust Jesus Christ alone?

 Love, forgiveness, and living like Christ would in any circumstance... no matter how many times someone disrespects us, lies to us, hurts us, loves us, hates us... will always lead us down the right path.  I challenge you to take it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thoughts on my mind today. Forgiveness.

Did you know that our emotions could literally trap us in our own little world? Emotions can be addictive. It's easy to allow bitterness, anger and resentment to take hold of our hearts and minds and with it the more of a hardened heart we get. This is a dangerous way to live because eventually these emotions and thoughts make us physically sick.

An angry person chooses to be angry and let’s his or her anger out on themselves or other people. But we can do something for ourselves to relieve that anger in a good way. There is nothing wrong with being angry – we all get angry from time to time, we all get hurt, but it is how we deal with our emotions that make it right or wrong. Christians must choose to handle their emotions in the proper manner. We don’t have to allow bitterness to take root in our hearts when we have the love of Christ.

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
James 1:19-20

Anger and resentment both carry with them many other feelings that can be hazardous to our spiritual life as well. Anger keeps us from forgiving and makes us want to get back at those people who have hurt us. Jealousy, fear, all the same. Anger keeps us blind to the goodness of God’s Word and how it applies into our life. God’s Word teaches us principles on how the Christian is to live. We are to forgive our enemies, forgive those who love us, not take an eye for an eye. This is the proper way to manage our emotions. Ask God and He will help you forgive. It's hard. Very.

Do not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:19-21

I’ve met people who were so bitter and angry inside and nothing can make them happy. I've met people who are entirely the opposite. These people who are bitter, angry, unhappy... have a difficult time smiling, laughing, and enjoying life in its simplest form. They have lost the will to even live. This is what depression and other forms of mind and body diseases originate from. The root of bitterness has a way of keeping the spirit within us lifeless and dead. It's not their fault. But can be overcome. Some of us who haven’t learned to be aware of the spiritual aspect of who we are, and we allow our negative emotions to impact the way we behave towards others and ourselves. But with God it doesn’t have to be like this.

Jesus spoke, ‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

So what can we do? First of all we have to put our trust and confidence in God and give him our negative emotions because anger, bitterness, resentment, and selfishness, these things do not fix our marriage, family, or how we feel inside. What does is learning how to handle these emotions in the proper ways. The more we allow our negative emotions to pile up the more selfish we become. It’s a vicious cycle. But God has asked us to put our faith and trust in Him – give God your anger and bitterness, and let Him give you back a softened heart.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.
Psalm 46: 1-2

So why are some of us so bitter and angry inside? We are harboring un-forgiveness! We have not managed our emotions properly. We have chosen in our hearts not to forgive someone who has hurt us in the past. We worry they may hurt us in the future. We put a wall up. We hurt someone in the process. When we don’t forgive others their trespasses against us it will not make us feel better emotionally. Never. An unforgiving heart carries with it strong, painful emotions that literally control us and tell us how to behave with others. If we are harboring strong emotions rather than using Christ-like principles to facilitate our emotions then how can we love others in the proper way?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs.
I Corinthians 13:4-5

We can choose to change the way we manage our emotions, we can do something about it! God’s Word gives us principles on how we are to handle our emotions in the proper ways. Forgive our trespassers. Why would Jesus tell us over and over again to keep forgiving others? Because by forgiving we don’t allow ourselves to build up angry emotions. Forgiveness clears our heart and mind and allows us the freedom to love.

To those who have hurt me, to those who have yet to, and for those who are currently. I forgive you. 100 percent fully, and love each and every one of you. To those of you whom I have hurt. I am equally sorry. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Blessed Mother's Day. Thankful.

As many of you know, Mother's Day has not been a very easy one for me and my family over the past 7 years. My mother's mental illness has continued to get worse, leaving the family stressed, frustrated, sad, and left wondering what to do next. This Mother's Day, I had a new outlook. I went to church by myself (somewhat intentionally) before deciding to make the trip to see my mother in Delevan where she was staying. Before this, she was staying in hotels and in her car, after losing her home, and running out of time at the shelter she was staying at. This was something I was very worried and concerned about the past few months. It's an issue I struggled with when I prayed, and was constantly looking for the answer... something "I" could do to help. I prayed, and I prayed a lot... but it wasn't in the right context, or with the right mindset, at least that's what I believe.

Anyways, I'm getting off track. Go figure. The day was amazing to say the least. I went to Brooklife church in Mukwonago, and was running late. I wanted to go regardless of how much I was going to hear. I needed it. Jason was an excellent speaker, knows my mothers situation, and has tried to help with the situation. I felt his message would most certainly help me get through the day and keep me positive. I didn't speed, I was enjoying the view. It was a beautiful day. I was thinking about all the ways the day could play out. I began thanking God for the weather, because I wasn't sure my mom and I would be able to go to a public place or not depending on her mood. The nice weather would allow us to be outside if need be. I figured I was going to miss most of the message, but prayed I would make it for some. I got to church 23 minutes late... and they were just starting. Perfect. Jason was not there, he was sick but Matt was speaking, and I hadn't missed it. Relieved.

The message as always, was completely relevant to what was going on in my heart. They were discussing Proverbs and Colossians. A topic that just a few weeks ago I heard when visiting New York City. A topic that really need to be drilled into my head. Drilled. The main message was talking about giving those extremely tough life issues to God. We don't want to. But we need to trust Him. No matter how bad. No matter how much you just wanted explain the situation to Him. No matter how "different" you feel your situation is. Simply give it to God. Tell Him you believe. Tell him you have doubts. Tell Him you believe, and you need help with your unbelief. This was where I was struggling, and today was the day I was going to say it, and really mean it with everything I had, and didn't.

I left the service around 11:45, with a completely positive outlook on the day. I was ready to go with the flow. I was ready to ride the waves that most surely were going to arise. They always did. Any negativity, anger, sadness... anything at all that my mother could throw at me, I was going to counter it with love. acceptance. patience.

Then I got a call from my Aunt. She was warning me what to expect. She told me they picked her up an outfit, but she had already torn it apart. )For whatever reason, she has been taking the stitching out of her clothing.) All of it. My Aunt told me I didn't have to take her anywhere like that if I didn't want to.  I smiled, said thanks for calling, and changed the subject. I asked about other things, and talked about some positive things like the art she was working on. At least that kept her in a happy place.  I didn't care about the clothes. It hurt, but I swallowed it. I wasn't going to judge her today. I wasn't about to tell her what she was doing was wrong. In her mind it wasn't.

I stopped at a local store in Delevan about 5 minutes away from my Grandmother's house. I was looking for something for my Grandma, and something to wrap my mothers gift. Somewhere inside the store is when I lost it. I was contemplating not getting my Grandma a gift because it would upset my mother. You see, the scizophrenia has caused my mother, once inseparable from my Grandma, how has a hatred towards her. She doesn't trust her. She doesn't trust her family. Except me, and my cousin. I started thinking about my mother's situation. Her sleeping in her car, my family telling her what she was doing was wrong, that she would is what most would consider crazy, etc. It breaks my heart to see her having anger towards the people that loved her. I started crying. I didn't know if I could go over there at this point. But I was close.

I called a few friends, I asked them to pray for me, and felt slightly better. I talked with Mike, and a few friends, and they helped calm me down, and continue to look at things from the perspective I intended. The perspective of looking at her without having me in the equation. Thank you. Around 1:25 I was ready to head over there. I got in the Cavalier, headed down HWY 50 and within minutes was sitting in front of their place on Tyrell. It took me about 5 minutes to remove myself from the car. It seemed like an hour.

I went in, and my mom was finishing getting ready. I talked with my Grandma for a bit, and caught up with her. It was great to see her, I hadn't in a long time. I have so much respect for her, trying to take care of my mother, an Aunt dying of cancer, and all by herself. My Grandfather passed away quite a few years ago.  My mother, not trusting my Grandma anymore was eager to get out of the house, so we left after I finished eating a piece of cake. I ate it very slowly intentionally to get more talk time. :)

We then went on our way to Janesville. My mom didn't tell me what she wanted to do, just directed me on the way to go. Normally this bugs me, but as I said I was going with the flow. Trusting that we would go somewhere that would allow us to have a good day. Praying the whole way in between talking to her. To make some headway.  To have her be happy today. To get her to smile, be happy, feel loved. We arrived at a place I didn't expect to have an enjoyable afternoon. The local McDonalds. Great. Just what I need. You see, the last time we visited this food chain, we got into a large argument because she wanted to eat her food off the table, and refused to keep the tray on the table. This time I expected it, so I had a semi-plan in mind. I went to get our sodas, and sure enough my mother had moved the trays already. I simply went and got one for myself. She asked why, and I replied simply that I didn't really want to eat off a table I wasn't sure was clean or not, continuing to eat. Normally my mom would question. Be persistent and try to get her way. She didn't. Thankful again.

I wanted to keep my mom in constant conversation. Allow for as little distraction (that happens a lot) and make sure she was enjoying the conversation. I wanted to engage her. I did. I told her about school, work, my relationships, friends she knew from when I was young. Talked about art. It's the one passion besides me that she still has. If she started to watch someone or make a comment about someone in the room, I quickly kept her talking about other stuff to keep her mind on other things. I let her ask questions, tried to answer what I knew, made jokes of what I didn't. I could see her mood changing. She was becoming more comfortable.

During this whole time she was messing with her stitching in her clothes. She had a tiny pair of scissors she was cutting some of her clothing with. I asked once, she said she was just cutting a string. I wasn't going to get more than that. I thought of my Aunt, what she said. I was okay with this. It didn't bother me. Not today. I just smiled and said oh okay.

My mom began to ask about school, my dad, my grandparents. Normally there is a tone of jealousy, and hurt. She sees those things as the reason why I don't see her often. Today just questions. I was giving her full stories. Happy stories. Open and honest stories. Making her laugh. Not showing her my pain, my frustration, just love, kindness, openness. There was no negativity this time.

I glanced at the clock and realized we had spent nearly 3 hours in McDonalds. McDonald's. Yes that place with the golden arches that I can't normally stand to be in for more than 15 minutes.  The best part was 90 percent of the time in strong conversation, or more importantly there was laughing. Smiles. Something often not present when I am around my mother anymore. But yes, laughs. Hard Laughs. Laughs that made me want to cry. I hadn't heard her laugh like that in years.

Don't get me wrong, there was still negative stuff going on in her head, but it was much easier to pull her out of it, because of my attitude, because of our conversation. Because of our prayer. My mother started talking about someone she knew with a big vocabulary. How she was jealous, and I responded with a why? You have a big vocabulary (she does). She then started asking me to name as many words as I could that meant jubuilent. Good word. It was how I was feeling. I spent as much time brainstorming as I could to name things that went along with this. We then went back and forth. Sometimes she would pick negative words. I wouldn't spend much time on these words, and then I would counter with a good word like generous, altruistic, loving, etc. It got her mind thinking about good things, it helped keep her in a happy place. Again Thankful.

We then decided to be on our way, and were either going to see a movie if one was playing or visit a few shops. The movie times didn't match up so we ended up at Michael's. A place of comfort for her, for me. I used to work at Michael's and started talking about stories from when I worked there. She talked with me about art projects she wanted to do, and just was looking through all different things that she liked, or things she would make out of what we were looking at. She thinks I'm an art expert. You know because I went to school for graphic design, and am semi creative, and took your basic art classes. Yep, expert. Anyways, I try to answer these questions she has about perspective, color, mediums to the best of my ability, and make fun of myself when I don't know the right answer. Normally she gets mad. Thinking I'm not telling her because I don't want her to know. Today she laughs at me. Thankful. We spent a good 2 hours in the store. Just before we left, a Harry Connick Jr. song came on. She said it was her favorite. She said she loved it because it took you to a happy place, so far beyond happy. This made me smile. It made me appreciate what I had forgotten about her. More laughs. More smiles. More conversation. A little negativity. A lot of love. It's easy to reduce things to the negative. Today I was seeing the beautiful. I need to find that song.

After that we sat in the car. A most appropriate place for what about to happen. I forgot she never opened her gift. I had her open it. In the car. Again, a place of comfort in a way. I gave her some pajamas, A christian book filled with love letters, an art book, some information on my church, a CD, and a large framed photo. She's ALWAYS asking for recent photos of me. She loved it. She didn't seem unhappy about the Christian book. No comments were made. Thankful. I flipped the stations, because K Love didn't come in as 105.3 there, and happened to find the new K Love station on the first try. "In Christ Alone" by Brian Litrell came on. The sun came out, warmed me as it was slightly cold outside, and my mother almost simultaneously began talking about how much earlier she wakes up when she sleeps in her car. With a smile on her face. With a laugh.  I needed that. I needed some bit of positive when thinking about her in that situation. I got it. Thankful.

I then asked her to take a picture. Something she is normally terrified to do. Cameras, electronics, none of these things sit well with someone with schizophrenia. They are paranoid. They think people are watching them, out to get them. To my surprise she said, "let me fix my face, my eyeliner is runny" I couldn't help but laugh. For some reason my camera on my phone refused to work. Of all times. She remained patient with her arm around me waiting for the picture to take. She started humming the song. I tried to contain my emotions as I was very happy to hear her humming a Christian song. She had tears in her eyes, and was losing her smile. But for good reason. Thankful. We got a few pictures finally, and she asked about some of the things they were talking about on K Love. I had asked God for a time and place to talk about him that would be received by my mom. I had it. She listened. The love I felt from her, I hadn't in awhile. Thankful.

We then headed back to Delevan, and went into my Grandma's. I was hoping I'd be able to talk with them a bit and allow some time for conversation with everyone. My cousin, his wife, and son where there visiting from Tennessee so I was happy to spend some time with them. They then took their son to bed, and it was me, my grandma and my mother in the living room. I talked with my grandma about the day, school, life, family, relationships, etc. I made sure to include my mother. She chimed in here and there. She still isn't very comfortable around my grandma due to her condition and the thoughts she was thinking. But she stayed in the room. She didn't get angry. She even told me to show my grandma the photo I gave her. progress. Thankfulness.

At this time I realized it was 9:45pm. I needed to get going, had work, and so I said I was going to be on my way. She walked me out, and gave me a big hug. She told me she had a really good day, and had really missed me. I said the same a few times over, left her with a genuine I love you, and got one back. That doesn't always happen. Thankful.

She then asked what I was doing next weekend when Mike comes into town. She wanted to do something, and we made tentative plans to do so. If even for 10 hours I made some of that darkness disappear I'm happy...and will continue to work at that. All in all I'd say wonderful day.

A good way to understand my way of thinking is to think of God being pure and perfect light. To have fellowship and be close to that light, we also need to be totally pure. However, if there is even a tiny shred of darkness in us, then we can't be in the same place as purity... because light and dark can't be in the same place at the same time. I took that darkness I covered it in love. There was no room for it to grow. No room for it take over. It worked. No medicine. No doctor. Just love. God's love. Prayer.

The question really is that I think about often - can someone with a mental illness follow Christ? There have been many times where my mother has shown doubt, anger, distrust, just as she does with people on an everyday basis. I never found the right time, the right mood to talk with her about God. It wasn't received. Today I was able to get in a bit. I was able to talk about church, my situation, the message. She listened. She didn't talk back. She didn't respond either. But she took it in. She heard it. Whatever she does with it with God's help is hers. But its there. I think the answer is yes. Yes she can believe. Yes she can be healed.

This is why the Christian message is so difficult for some and so liberating for others. What we are saying is that everyone is a sinner, even the "good guys". In that way, we are all condemned and fallen. A pretty grim message... but the absolutely wonderful message is that Jesus died for every single person - and not one person is beyond the love of Jesus... but we do all have to make the choice ultimately. Jesus can't force us to love Him - that wouldn't be love, after all.

God's love is pure. I had to show that kind of love today. I did, it worked. It gave me the ability to reach her on her level. To accept her for what she was doing, because she doesnt view her thoughts as wrong. She trusted me. Down the line, my hopes is for her to trust God. And we've made progress. Thankful.

When we become Christians, Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit to come and live in us. The Holy Spirit is our guide and counselor, which helps us identify sin in our lives and this allows us to grow in faith and become more like Christ. Becoming a Christian is therefore the start of a journey, not the end of one.

I hope you've found this helpful and interesting. Perhaps been able to shed light on your own situation you are dealing with, and see God through mine. I needed God to be there the whole day to get me through it. He showed me in a big way that he was there. I could have had bad things happen throughout the day and still labeled it good. But God provided me a way that showed me he was there, showed me how powerful He is. He let me hold his hand. He let me fully trust him with this issue. Thankful.

I ask for your continued prayers to help God let me and others reach my mother. To keep her positive when I am not around, and to provide her clarity of thought. Thank you so much for your support, kindness, friendship and love. 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Technology amazes me

That is all :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Evolution vs. Creation

I found this breaking news this morning fascinating. Scientists of course look at this data from a evolution standpoint... however if you think about it... what they are talking about "could" be completely connected to the great flood. Maybe There was a field that was different pre-flood, and then an even amount of water over the planet then helped to change that field creating what we have in this article. Just thoughts... feel free to comment.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sex Trafficking

Statistics: More people are slaves today than ever before and the numbers are soaring. Men, women and children are enslaved for many purposes including sex, pornography, forced labor and indentured servitude. Among slaves, children are the most vulnerable and their rights are the least recognized. Each year, the global sex slavery market generates $32 billion in profits. More than one million women and children are trafficked across international borders every year. In just the United States, between 150,000 and 300,000 children are enslaved and sold for sex. The sex slavery industry has become an increasingly important revenue source for organized crime because each young girl can earn between $150,000 and $200,000 each year for her pimp.

The DNA Foundation launched on January 25, 2010, following a field visit with the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement at the US-Mexico border. Expanding law enforcement’s reach and effectiveness are critical to freeing slaves.
Demi and Ashton hope to help abolish modern day slavery, punish perpetrators and free the many innocent and exploited victims. The DNA Foundation is committed to protecting the freedom of the world’s most vulnerable citizens by forcing sex slavery out of the shadows and into the spotlight. Freedom is a basic human right and slavery is one of the greatest threats to that freedom. No one has the right to enslave another person.

I'm glad more people have continued to join forces to help with this issue. It is a serious issue, that needs all the help it can get. My hat goes off to Ashton and Demi for putting efforts into their foundation. For someone with such a strong social media pull... this could create great things. Nice work.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A pleasant end to a stressful weekend

This place has been home to me the past year and a half. Transfering from WCTC to Alverno was a decision I didn't know was going to be such an amazing one at the time. Today I had to turn in two papers one 15 and one 17 pages, and then conduct a 20 minute sales meeting and close the sale. Needless to say I was completely stressed this weekend, with multiple projects, work and just plain old life flying by. I finished my papers, handed them in, did my sales pitch, and absolutely passed it with flying colors. My assessor was a graduate professor I had never met. When she critiqued me and told me how well I did, she added a comment I was surprised by. She told me that she had heard wonderful things about me on campus. For me not ever hearing her name, I thought this was odd. I responded by asking her who, and she said quite a few, well all of your professors. I was flattered that my name had come up in discussion at all with faculty from the graduate program, and went to my teachers office after that all smiles to thank him for the class, and update him on my status at work. To my surprise, 2 of my teachers within 5 minutes of my sitting at his desk popped their head in to talk about how wonderful of a student I was. My favorite, Bob, popped in joking around saying... "Craig, she's an alright student...most of the time..." with a huge smile on his face. Craig, my professor (not the type of guy to give praise, or compliments for that matter) responded with a actually... she's an exceptional student. She should be graduating with honors. I'm going to be nominating her. Bob and I both looked a little taken aback. This was a man that told students flat out he wouldn't write them recommendation letters when they asked. Then Bob agreed.  I had to pinch myself, cuz I really thought I might still be dreaming. Maybe I overslept, missed my assessment, and this was just the outcome I would have liked to have happened. * * Nope it was real. I continued my conversation with Craig, asked him if he would be willing to write me a letter of recommendation (something he doesn't do very often) to which he responded he would love to. Needless to say it was nice to feel as though my hard work really has been paying off all along. I realized how thankful I am to go to a school where all the teachers actually interact, discuss their students, and really evaluate them by their character, ability, effort, and classwork. I've always sang high praises of Alverno. They push you to your very limits, but they don't just let you fall. They want you to fly. Apparently I am.