Saturday, November 20, 2010

Starting a new Chapter - Reflection and Thanks

In looking back on my last 2.5 years of school at Alverno, I am able to look at how I have developed, where my skills are, and what areas I need to improve in. Joanne Mack, Assessor for AC 361 external assessment, writes, “Your business writing skills are a real strength for you Christina. You succinctly state your points and support your ideas and conclusions with evidence. An example of this can be found in your extensive SWOT analysis memo that you provided to Harriet. In addition your overall approach to problem solving is collaborative, which in many situations in business is the best approach to utilize. Your approach will facilitate communication and buy in with regard to solutions to the issues.” This statement shows my ability to not only communicate effectively, but the ability and desire to develop ways for employees within a business to improve their communication as well. I have found that in my personal life, and work experience I am always looking for ways to improve communication. I try to use active listening, and not focus on only what my perspective and goals are. Joanne Mack states, “You demonstrate your ability to see the big picture (a very important skill in managers) in emphasizing the connection between organizational culture and organizational performance. Good job!” This strength will serve me well in the business world.
My communication strengths and abilities were also demonstrated in my MKT 361 course with Craig Miller. In this course, we analyzed our negotiation and leadership skills, as well as prepared for and executed a mock sales appointment. In reading my own self-assessment, I noted my ability to use reinforcing and opinion giving skills. I came to the meeting prepared, and with the facts that Rebecca Porter, my assessor, needed to hear for her company. During the sales interview, she stated, “you already sold me!” 5 minutes in. Receiving an S+ on my self-analysis of my negotiation style, Craig Miller writes, “You are a very effective writer. Your writing style is easy to read. Your writing makes logical sense and builds across your life and career. The student’s written plan meets and exceeds Alverno’s level four writing criteria.” I have always put my best efforts in at school in the past; at least I thought I had. However, upon attending Alverno I realized the bar could be set much higher. My teachers pushed me. Really pushed me. Through attending the Alverno on the Weekend program, I was fortunate to be surrounded by working women. I wasn't surrounded with new freshman who were all in relatively the same place. No, I was surrounded with women that there was so much to learn from. There was support to be found, insights to be given, and most important friendships to be made. Receiving excellent feedback at Alverno was important to me, but more importantly developing the skills, relationships and abilities I have is what I most appreciate. My past coursework, assessments, and feedback have led me to see many strengths as well as areas I would like to further develop and bring back a passion for. Jim Henderson writes, “You make excellent use of organizational structure throughout your paper—relevant, focused, succinct.” I intend to continue to write at the high level I write for my courses, as well as taking the time to read high level reading material to increase my vocabulary and improve my writing style. I have noticed that all of my professors have made note of my ability to effectively communicate within a group and to organize a project. Craig Miller writes, “From the semester that I have known you, you make your teammates and those people around you better.” This feedback stuck with me throughout my time at Alverno. My desire to communicate effectively is for that very purpose. My goal is to improve communication, and allow for a company and the people within it to be as successful as possible. With deciding to start my own small businesses, be actively involved in the community, and obtain a job I will love, the skills I have developed are going to continue to serve me well throughout my professional and personal career. I plan to take action to further develop my communication skills by allowing myself extra time set aside for practicing communication skills, meeting with a business coach, and continuing to ask for feedback from all clients whom I interact with. My learning won’t stop upon graduation, and I more than likely will be attending the Graduate program in the future. I will be ending this Chapter of my life come December 18th, and am looking forward to starting a new. However, the friends, lessons, skills learned, and memories will be forever a part of me. I'm fortunate enough and priviledged to have been nominated for and received honors at Alverno at Graduation. This is something we have all been striving for, and the hard work that I have put in has paid off. To each one of you who shared a part in that, and my time while at Alverno, thank you. Really, thank you.

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