Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jersey Shore

Because MTV decided to stop playing music and started airing reality shows years ago...this show was birthed. Its been a formula MTV has used over and over and every "cast" member finds their role, plays it and then tries to get their 15 minutes in the sun. I remember days where I actually used to watch that station and would be able to hear a song... I don't think that has happened since I flipped the channel and happen to switch past the MTV music awards.

 The reason for my take on this show, is that I really can't stand to hear any more about it...and don't understand why it has become as popular as it has. I get the fact that it can be "funny" to see people so different from ourselves. I get that it might be "entertaining" to see these people get into stupid situations, and make bad decisions. However, it saddens me that this is the case. I am all for a comedy show. I am all for entertainment. There are plenty of "reality shows" that I actually enjoy. However, it's an embarrassment to the state, to Italians and the human race to watch what goes on in this show, and to realize that it is the default topic to talk about among middle, high school and college aged people. It scares me a little to think about the fact that we live in a time where the "conversation" we have with eachother now entails what someone's status said on facebook, what pictures they posted, what their relationship "status" has changed to, who Snookie slept with last night, or what additional girl the "Situation" has taken home for the night.

I remember being younger, when people actually called their friends to hang out, to find out what was going on. I remember when people actually went out and did things. When they enjoyed being outdoors. When they took more time to be there for and care for eachother. It wasn't that long ago, however looking at most of the shows, blogs, and information we see pouring through our smartphones...it seems like it sure was.

One could argue, that people need to lighten up, and that it is only a show. However, my argument to that is just the SAME thing. It is just a show. It isn't completely reality. It is partially scripted. It is the extreme. And it isn't your typical real life situation. Sitting at a starbucks yesterday, I heard some kids ranging from 16-19 just talking about Jersey shore, Facebook, relationships gone bad, one-night stands, and many other things. Like it was nothing. Like it was a part of THEIR everyday lives. Because it was. Yes, it is just a show. But when that show/s becomes all you talk about, and all you can find commonality about... you start to make decisions based upon those things you see. That is what I find disheartening. To hear these people talking about someone that was going to be dying in a month due to health issues, and then saying oh well, did you see the last episode of Jersey shore, and continuing on like nothing was wrong... just was the last straw on holding back writing my opinion of this show. MTV has been putting trash on its station for years, but it truly has taken the cake these past few years.

Yes, some people will make the right decisions, because they see how stupid these people are. Some people learn stuff from 16 and pregnant. The reality is people do need to hear some of that information... but part of th reason they aren't hearing it where they should be, at home and from family...is because we have become so dependent on the media, news, and internet to supply our information, and even to have our "conversations". Most people loosen up their morals because of it.

I watched one episode and turned it off. Only one of these people is even from NJ. I cant imagine that in some time, these people will watch this back and not be ashamed for acting like this. There is a reason sponsors are pulling their ads and the town has come out to speak out against the show. Because its offensive and disgusting.

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